Lab 03

Inference for Simple Linear Regression using Mathematical Models

Sep 22 - 23, 2022


Make sure to do the following as you complete the assignment:

  • Write all narrative in complete sentences.

  • Use informative axis titles and labels on all graphs.

  • Implement version control in your reproducible workflow.

    • Throughout the assignment periodically render your Quarto document to produce the updated PDF, commit the changes in the Git pane, and push the updated files to GitHub.

    • Benchmark: Push changes to GitHub at least three times as you work on the assignment.

Today’s lab

  • Focused on mathematical inference for simple linear regression and checking model conditions.

  • Remember to mark all pages in your Gradescope submission. The first page should be marked for the “Workflow & formatting” and “Reproducible report” sections.

  • Use lectures and AEs from Week 04 as reference as you complete the lab.