STA 210: Regression Analysis


Learn approaches for analyzing multivariate data sets, emphasizing analysis of variance, linear regression, and logistic regression. Learn techniques for checking the appropriateness of proposed models, such as residual analyses and case influence diagnostics, and techniques for selecting models. Gain experience dealing with the challenges that arise in practice through assignments that utilize real-world data. This class emphasizes data analysis over mathematical theory.

Class meetings

Lecture Section 001 Mon & Wed 10:15 - 11:30 am Reuben-Cooke 130
Section 002 Mon & Wed 3:30 - 4:45pm Social Sciences 136
Lab Lab 01 Thu 3:30 - 4:45pm Perkins Link #5
Lab 02 Thu 5:15 - 6:30pm Perkins Link #5
Lab 03 Fri 12 - 1:15pm Perkins Link #5
Lab 04 Fri 1:45 - 3pm Old Chemistry 003

Teaching team


Maria Tackett is an Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. Her work focuses on understanding how active learning strategies can be used to promote engagement and student motivation in undergraduate statistics courses. She also studies how classroom practices in introductory math and statistics courses impact students’ sense of community, self-efficacy, and learning outcomes.

Office hours Location
Mondays 1 - 2pm Old Chem 118B only
Thursdays 10 - 11am Zoom only
or by appointment.

Teaching assistants

Name Office hours Location

Carson Garcia

TA for Lab 04

Mon 5 - 7pm Zoom

Sara Meta

TA for Lab 04

Fri 10am - 12pm Zoom
Medy Mu Tue 4 - 6pm Zoom

Glenn Palmer

Head TA
TA for Lab 03

Fri 1:25 - 3:25pm Old Chemistry 203B

Braden Scherting

TA for Lab 02

Mon 2 - 3pm

Tue 3:15 - 4:15 pm

Old Chemistry 203B

Old Chemistry 203B

Luke Vrotsos

TA for Lab 01

Tue 6:30 - 8:30pm Old Chemistry 025
Ben Wallace

Tue 1:30 - 2:30

Fri 9 - 10am


Old Chemistry 203B

Aaditya Warrier Wed 6-8pm Zoom

Grace Zhao

TA for Lab 01

Tue 11a - 1pm Zoom

Click here for full list of office hours.