AE 12: Multiple linear regression review



October 31, 2022


Go to the course GitHub organization and locate your ae-12- to get started.

The AE is due on GitHub by Thursday, November 03, 11:59pm.


The data for this analysis includes information about LEGO sets from themes produced January 1, 2018 and September 11, 2020. The data were originally scraped from, an online LEGO set guide.

You will work with data on about 400 randomly selected LEGO sets produced during this time period. The primary variables are interest in this analysis are

The goal of this analysis is to predict the Amazon price based on the number of pieces, theme, and size of pieces. We will only include observations that have recorded values for all relevant variables.

legos <- read_csv("data/lego-sample.csv") |>
  select(Size, Pieces, Theme, Amazon_Price) |>

Exploratory data analysis

Response variable

ggplot(data = legos, aes(x = Amazon_Price)) +
  geom_histogram() + 
    labs(title = "Price of Lego sets on Amazon",
         x = "Price in US dollars")

Predictor variables

p_pieces <- ggplot(data = legos, aes(x = Pieces)) +
  geom_histogram() + 
    labs(title = "Number of pieces",
         x = "")

p_size <- ggplot(data = legos, aes(x = Size)) +
  geom_bar() + 
    labs(title = "Piece size",
         x = "") + 

p_pieces /  p_size

  • What (if any) feature engineering might we want to include in a recipe for a model for Pieces and Size?
legos |>
  count(Theme) |>
ggplot(aes(x = fct_reorder(Theme, n), y = n)) +
  geom_col() + 
    labs(title = "Lego Set Theme", 
         x = "Theme", 
         y = "Number of LEGO sets") + 

  • Why should we avoid putting Theme in a model as is?

  • How can we use step_other() in the recipe to make Theme more usable in the model?

Model Fitting

Training and test sets

Write code to data into training (75%) and testing (25%) sets.


# add code to make training and test sets

Model workflow

Fit the model using Pieces, Size, and Theme to understand variability in Amazon_Price. To do so, specify the model and use training data to create a recipe applying the feature engineering steps mentioned above. Then, build the model workflow and fit the model.

# add code to specify model 
# add code to create recipe
# This is an optional step to see the outcome of the recipe

# add code to prep and bake 
# add code to build workflow
# add code to fit model

Check conditions + multicollinearity

When we fit a model using recipe and workflow, we need to extract the model object before using the augment function. Fill in the name of the model fit in the code below.

Update the option to eval: true, so the code chunk evaluates when the document is rendered.

lego_fit_model <- extract_fit_parsnip(______)
lego_aug <- augment(lego_fit_model)

Residuals vs predicted values

Use the code below to make a plot of residuals vs. predicted values

Update the option to eval: true, so the code chunk evaluates when the document is rendered.

ggplot(data = lego_aug, aes(x = .fitted, y= .resid)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "red", linetype = "dashed") + 
  labs(x = "Predicted", 
       y = "Residuals", 
       title = "Residuals vs. Predicted")

Distribution of residuals

Fill in the code below to make a histogram of the residuals with an overlay of the normal distribution.

Update the option to eval: true, so the code chunk evaluates when the document is rendered.

ggplot(lego_aug, aes(.resid)) +
  geom_histogram(aes(y = after_stat(density))) +
    fun = dnorm, 
    args = list(mean = mean(lego_aug$_____), sd = sd(_____)), 
    color = "red"

Use the plots and information about the data to comment on whether each condition is satisfied.

  • Linearity: [Add response]

  • Constant variance: [Add response]

  • Normality: [Add response]

  • Independence: [Add response]


Fun the code to use the vif() function from the rms package to check multicollinearity.

Update the option to eval: true, so the code chunk evaluates when the document is rendered.

  • Are there issues with multicollinearity in the model?

Next steps

  • Based on the assessment of the model conditions and multicollinearity, what is the next step you might take in the model building process?

To submit the AE:

  • Render the document to produce the PDF with all of your work from today’s class.
  • Push all your work to your ae-12- repo on GitHub. (You do not submit AEs on Gradescope).