AE 14: Logistic regression

Model comparsion


November 14, 2022


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The AE is due on GitHub by Thursday, November 17 , 11:59pm.




For this application exercise we will work with a data set of 25,000 randomly sampled flights that departed one of three NYC airports (JFK, LGA, EWR) in 2013.

flight_data <- read_csv("data/flight-data.csv")

The goal of this analysis is to fit a model that could be used to predict whether a flight will arrive on time (up to 30 minutes past the scheduled arrival time) or late (more than 30 minutes past the scheduled arrival time).

  1. Convert arr_delay to factor with levels "late" (first level) and "on_time" (second level). This variable is our outcome and it indicates whether the flight’s arrival was more than 30 minutes.
# add code

Modeling prep

  1. Split the data into testing (75%) and training (25%), and save each subset.

# add code
  1. Specify a logistic regression model that uses the "glm" engine.
# add code

Next, we’ll create two recipes and workflows and compare them to each other.

Model 1: Everything and the kitchen sink

  1. Define a recipe that predicts arr_delay using all variables except for flight and time_hour, which, in combination, can be used to identify a flight, and dest. Also make sure this recipe handles dummy coding as well as issues that can arise due to having categorical variables with some levels apparent in the training set but not in the testing set. Call this recipe flights_rec1.
# add code
  1. Create a workflow that uses flights_rec1 and the model you specified.
# add code
  1. Fit the this model to the training data using your workflow and display a tidy summary of the model fit.
# add code
  1. Predict arr_delay for the testing data using this model.
# add code
  1. Plot the ROC curve and find the area under the curve. Comment on how well you think this model has done for predicting arrival delay.
# add code

Model 2: Let’s be a bit more thoughtful

  1. Define a new recipe, flights_rec2, that, in addition to what was done in flights_rec1, adds features for day of week and month based on date and also adds indicators for all US holidays (also based on date). A list of these holidays can be found in timeDate::listHolidays("US"). Once these features are added, date should be removed from the data. Then, create a new workflow, fit the same model (logistic regression) to the training data, and do predictions on the testing data. Finally, draw another ROC curve and find the area under the curve.
# add code

Putting it altogether

  1. Create an ROC curve that plots both models, in different colors, and adds a legend indicating which model is which.
# add code
  1. Compare the predictive performance of this new model to the previous one. Based on the ROC curves and area under the curve statistic, which model does better?


This exercise was inspired by and adapted from